Sunday Update #2 - Level Select, New Levels, etc

New Levels

There are now 9 levels for you to wrack your eyeballs out over. They are all difficult in their own way, but also all achievable with practice, attention and learning mechanics.
The puzzle content of the game has been boosted by the introduction of Sokoban-style mechanics. In the Snekoban level for example, gates are locked by pressure pads which require boxes to be placed on top of them - but in a puzzling, Sokoban-like way.
Bug Fixes
Have fixed various bugs, including coin display, weird pop-ups behind the game screen, score submission, etc.
Level Select
You now choose the level you are going to start with. Make no mistake, neither is going to put you in an amazing stead as there are no "easy" levels in this game.
I need to decide where to go with the music in this game. The tracks we have are very strong, but they need to be distributed well. As such the new levels don't have their own music yet.

Files Play in browser
Nov 28, 2021

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